Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Oral Health & Cold and Flu Season

Bacteria is forming in our mouth immediately after brushing. Without proper removal our immune system can become alarmed sending signals to us and our oral health professional there is a problem! These signs aren’t always visible or felt by you.

Here’s what you need to know….
If your immune system is fighting bacteria in your mouth, it is NOT able to rid your body of viruses or bacteria at full force. This can put you and your children at risk for a longer sickness with worsened symptoms.

Signs you might notice if your gums are irritated, inflamed or infected
  • ·         Redness in between the teeth or along the gums
  • ·         Bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • ·         Achy feeling in the gums
  • ·         Bad taste or smell in the mouth
  • ·         Rough feeling teeth
  • ·         Inability to move floss between teeth
  • ·         Swelling around the teeth (usually felt with tongue)
Signs your dental hygienists can see if your gums are irritated, inflamed or infected
  • ·         Redness around the gum line or between the teeth
  • ·         Bleeding while gums are being touched by dental tools
  • ·         Rounding or rolling of the gums around the teeth
  • ·         Foul odour in the mouth
  • ·         Pocketing (separation of the gums) and bleeding after traditional gum assessment
  • ·         Bacteria (plaque) around and under gums
  • ·         Calculus(tartar) attached to the tooth inside the gums
How should your gums appear when they are healthy?
  • ·         Pink in colour
  • ·         Firm against the tooth
  • ·         Stippled like an orange peel
  • ·         Flat and snug to the tooth
  • ·         Smooth feeling on the teeth
  • ·         Ideally free from recession (receding gums)
Quick Tips to keep your mouth Healthy this Season
  • ·         Use natural antiviral/antibacterial mouth rinses and toothpastes
  • ·         Visit your dental hygienist regularly and often to disrupt the bacteria where you can't reach
  • ·         Try hard to maintain good home care habits; such as brushing for 5 minutes, flossing, sulca        brushing and using interdental aids.
  • ·         Maintain good eating habits
  • ·         Utilize vitamins and minerals (especially Vitamin C)
  • ·         Ensure you’re a getting the right amount of good sleep
  • ·         Daily exercise of at least 30 minutes
It’s important to keep the blood flowing around the body so the immune cells can move quicker when alerted. The healthier your mouth is during this time, the healthier your body will be overall.

Take a quick look in your mouth…..not sure about what you see? Let us help!

For more information about products that might be right for you, contact or visit Norfolk Dental Hygiene!